Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today....what can I say about today. It started good, got better, and then finally....got worse.

It began with lunch at taco bell with Alan. That was great. I really needed to vent to someone face to face about my emotional problems and furthermore to dream about the future. It was great. A total encourager. Great great great.

Then afterwards, I ALMOST headed to play metroid prime 3 for the rest of the day. But, my conscience got the best of me right before I turned it on. thank goodness. lol Well, to continue, instead of doing that, I recessed to my room where I proceeded to attempt at learning the bass clef for my bass guitar and for jazz band. I tryed with no avail. I then told my mom I thought it was to difficult and that guitarists of any kind should only have to learn how to read tabs. lol oh ye of little faith. haha. Well, my wonderful mother offered to give me a hand, which helped MONSTEROUSLY. I have most of it memorized now and that was great to get done. But sadly, my dreams of a absolutely great day were shattered when I was informed I do not go back to school on friday but that I go back on THURSDAY! I was pissed! My my my. how my emotions can get carried away with themselves. Im just praying that God will give me peace with that or control over them. either one will do but yeah. What a random blog entry. lol


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